Dear Members,
Sorry to write in English, mein Deutsch is nicht sehr gut.
That is my CLX that have 5.37 L consumption.
As I told before I use almost 100% the gearbox in manual. It is only a small impulse to increase the gears, they downshift automatically.
It is very easy and save 1.5L minimum the consumption by 100 Km.
Rarely pass the 2000 rpm and drive respecting speed limits.
Autobahn around 100 to 110 Km/h, and in normal streets 70 to 80 Km/h (easy make less than 4L in normal streets). In the city around 5.5L.
In automatic the 6th gear enters around 87 Km/h, in manual at around 55 to 60 Km/h I am already in 6th.
At 40 to 50 Km/h I drive usually in 4 /5 th gear.
Try and you will see the results.